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Mark attendance

1. Go to 'attendance' tab and select a 'ministry'. Your options available will be based on your role(s) in NOAH.

2. Select the 'event' to mark attendance for. To view events of previous dates, select the desired month.

3. Now select the 'group' you wish to take attendance for. Note that this step is seen only for those with more than one group.

4. To mark attendance, select the members present by clicking on the 'tick icon' beside their names. Once you are done, click 'confirm'.

5. You will now see a summary of your marked attendance. You can click 'mark more' to go back and mark more names. Click the 'x icon' to unmark selected names. Once you have checked and are sure, click 'submit'.

6. After submitting you will see the attendance submitted page. And you’re done! You may continue to add people by selecting the same event again.

7. After confirmation, you can see how many groups you have marked by the 'percentage' at the side. This can only be seen for those with more than one group.  

Similarly, you can see how many events you have fully marked by the 'tick' at the side.