FAQs On Complimentary Sermons For Servers
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General Information

1. How do I become eligible for redeeming complimentary sermons?

All servers will be blessed with two complimentary sermons for each month that they serve in.

The Bible tells us that faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ (ref. Romans 10:17, NASB). Our hope is that you will be aided in your faith and walk with the Lord when you feed on these sermons throughout the week.

The online redemption option is an added service provided by the church, which will also help those who find it inconvenient to travel to the collection booth at The Star Performing Arts Centre or Marina Bay Sands Ballrooms on Sundays. Instead, they can simply redeem their allocated sermons via the My Sermons web portal.

2. If I am serving in more than one ministry, am I able to redeem more than two complimentary sermons a month?

All servers will be blessed with two complimentary sermons for each month that they serve regardless of the number of ministries that they serve in. If you are an eligible server, you may choose to redeem your complimentary sermon in either CD or MP3 format.

3. How do I indicate my preferences regarding the redemption of complimentary sermons for servers?

You can indicate your preferences by logging in to the “My Sermons” portal at https://mysermons.newcreation.org.sg.

This is the screen you will see the first time you log into the portal.

One of the first things you will be asked to do is to indicate your redemption preferences: to redeem CD sermons, to redeem MP3 sermons, to redeem Videostream+MP3 sermons or not to redeem any sermons. Please follow the instructions on the web page.

4. What will happen if I do not indicate my preferred format (CD/MP3/Videostream+MP3) for the complimentary sermons I redeem?

If you do not indicate a preference, you will redeem sermon CDs by default.

5. If I change my preferred format for complimentary sermons from sermon CDs to MP3 sermons or Videostream+MP3 sermons, when will the change take effect?

Your preferred option will take effect immediately after you make the change. If you have already redeemed your sermons for the current month, the new option will take effect from the following month onwards.

6. Can I change my preference on what sermon format to redeem, that is either physical CDs, MP3 sermons or Videostream+MP3 sermons?

Yes, you may login and change your preference at https://mysermons.newcreation.org.sg. You can also indicate that you do not want to redeem any sermon.

If you had previously opted to redeem sermon CDs, please refer to the section titled Sermon CD Information.

If you had previously opted to redeem MP3 Sermons, please refer to the section titled Using the “My Sermons” web portal.

7. How many sermon titles are available for redemption?

For MP3 and Videostream+MP3 sermon redemption, there will usually be eight sermons that can be selected from in each collection month.

For CD sermon redemption, the number of CD titles are subject to availability.

8. What sermon titles are available for redemption?

You will be able to select from a list of available sermon titles during the collection month. These would consist of the sermons preached at New Creation Church by Pastor Joseph Prince, other New Creation Church pastors and guest speakers.

9. If I had previously selected the wrong sermon title, can I change it?

Once you have redeemed your sermon CDs or MP3 or Videostream+MP3 sermons, we will not be able to facilitate an exchange.